I’ve done it! I’ve finally figured out how to “change” my domain name to be inclusive of my whole family! We may not all share a family name yet, but we will in time~ Through marriage & “adoption”. My original domain shall remain and will link directly to this site, so no need to worry! You still have the proper information to find me~
The fact that Squarespace allows us to add multiple domains to a single site is AWESOME! Sure, it adds more cost… but that means each member can have a custom domain under our new main family domain and even have custom business cards to match, yet everyone will be able to find our shared site easily~ My personal domain shall be under the family domain, which I plan to set as the primary as soon as the SSL has been certified. It takes a few days…
As I mentioned before in an earlier blog, my personal domain will be updating to include my whole family~ Please be on the look out for https://www.thegaiafamily.space/ to show in the address bar in the near future when you look me up! Soon, Robert will update his information as well. And if my adopted sibling joins us on the website? They will appear as well~ They are an amazing soul full of light, love, and gentleness onlike any I have ever known before! I’m so proud to have adopted them into my family and they cannot wait to take the Gaia family name!
I’m so excited and happy for the future of our family!!!!
We just gotta get through the current global storm… I’ve no doubts that we will, though~
-Aria D Gaia