~Helping others is what life & community are all about~
If we could, we’d do so freely. Unfortunately, we live in a capitalist society… Thus, we are forced to request compensation for our time so that we may be able to pay for the things we need to survive. Since we each have a variety of skills, we have listed what services we wish to offer along with the compensation we shall request in return for each. Please reference the separate lists below.
- Aria’s Services-
[provided only in english for now]
-Robert’s Services-
Mentoring: 2500 yen per 30 minute session
AUTHENTICITY COACHING with someone who has truly been there, walks the walk, talks the talk, & who cares about your well-being. Although I am not a licensed practitioner, I do have decades of self-education & a good amount of professional training. I do not claim to be able to help everyone, different souls require different approaches and words, but I shall do what I can to assist those who seek my guidance to find healing within themselves employing every resource available.
GOAL ADVISING & PLANNING with someone who wishes to see everyone around her succeeding in whatever it is they wish to accomplish.
ENGLISH TUTORING, all grade levels … both academic & business, with someone who is trained & teaches professionally.
Bring Your Own
Read & Discuss with the author
4Fold Saga novels ONLY
1st session is FREE! Thanks for purchasing my novel! :D
Anything Goes! Craft Lesson: 2000 yen per 30 minute session
Easy Tie-Dye
Hand-sewing basics
How to make a Teddy Bear
How to make a Bag
dRe:magined Coaching Session - Upcycle ANYTHING!
English Editing Services:
250yen per page: Proofreading Only
750yen per page: Copy-Editing
1000yen per page: Content Editing & Rewriting