Reigning in the New Year~
Hello, everyone~
I know it’s been a while… I’ve been wrapped up in a rapidly rising tide of fast moving events, propelling me towards my life goal of becoming a Japanese Citizen with a permaculture food forest of my own in the mountains of Japan… As well as the raging storm of spiritual growth that’s pushing me further than I’ve ever dared before. I’ve been studying hard to master Japanese and have been doing loads of introspection, learning, and spiritual expansion. With this said, I’ve decided that the next book I absolutely must complete is my biomyth. It’s time. Life has given me undeniable signs that I must step into my full truth without apologies nor hesitation.
There is much that I’ve kept hidden from the world because of mainstream society’s tendency to reject and ostracize those who are different… And at the time? I longed to accepted and loved. Now that I’ve found my twin flame and all but one of my visions have become a reality? I can no longer deny my truth nor hold it in without imploding. When I wrote that I’m “an amorphous mass of ephemeral light that is difficult to understand & impossible to grasp”…? I meant it.
The worldwide community of Lightworkers has grown so large and so influential that I finally feel I have a place in this world. And with my twin flame in my life? I no longer fear rejection from the mainstream. I also no longer fear persecution nor abuse for I know for a fact that he will protect me with all he has.
Only an absolute idiot would dare to harm me with him around!
He’s a bit overprotective~ And I love it! :D
Therefore, my Memoir will be the next written work that I release~
Also? You may notice a few updates around the site. I’ve updated things to reflect the current situation and offer more clarity on fees for direct orders. This said… as much as I know the evils of Amazon? I have decided to continue working with them because they can offer you, my readers, the best possible prices. When I tried to incorporate Lulu Publishing for their far more ethical business practices? Not only did my expenses skyrocket, but reader prices did, also! They went up so much that I’ve had potential buyers complain that the price was too high, despite the fact that my author’s fee remained the same as with Amazon! [For more information as to why the fees were so different, please refer to: ]
For as much as I wish to work with ethical companies? Their prices are just too high and cannot compete with Amazon. That is why I added a direct order option when I removed Lulu Publishing. I refuse to cater only to the rich. I want my books to be affordable to all! I’ll continue to search around and see if I can find better alternatives, but for now the only options are Amazon and Direct Order. Please note the approximate shipping costs listed in the book section.
In the future? My soon-to-be-husband and I plan to have a single-family farm stay hotel near our permaculture farm. Those who come to visit will be able to purchase my books directly from me at an extreme discount~
If my dear friend is able to join us? They & I may well open a small store together to sell our books and art~
Only time will tell.
For now?
I’m praying that my most terrifying vision doesn’t come to pass this year…
I’m using all my manifestation powers and prayers to hopefully change the future that I’ve seen in countless visions since I was a small child… But since ALL my other visions have come to pass? I hold little hope that I alone can hold back the tides of another world war. Due to this? I am also preparing for Japan to relive its most terrifying nightmare…
I do not want it to happen at all! TT^TT…
But I’ve learned to hope for the best while preparing for the worse… so I highly recommend that all prepare themselves for WWIII where there’s a high probability of at least one nuclear weapon being used.
I fear we are already well into the beginning stages of it… Russia’s invasion of Ukraine… North Korea declaring war against ‘Imperialist America’… all the coups in Africa… Israel and Hamas… rising Cold War tensions between China and America… terrorist groups attacking merchant vessels in the Middle East… Not a single soul on the planet can deny that this is the great amount of unrest we’ve seen since WWII. The whole world is being affected by it. Rising inflation. The limitation of supplies, including food & fuel. Among many more difficulties that my limited scope cannot see.
I feel the world is in denial, far too terrified to admit that we’ve failed to learn the lessons of our ancestors and have begun to repeat history once more…
That’s enough negativity and truth-dropping from me.
May you all be safe & blessed throughout these troubled times~
-Aria D Gaia