-Our Books-

..:: Robert’s Originals ::..

..:: Aria’s Originals ::..

‘The 4Fold Saga’

An ever-growing sci-fantasy romance novel series~

          This is my very first attempt at writing a full-length sci-fantasy romance novel series, using all I have learned in my life. The series will include 5 books following the life of a young girl and her family living far in the future in a colony built upon a distant moon orbiting the fictional gas giant Tirten, which orbits the imaginary binary star system Kla-Ly’ir out on the far fringes of our very own Milky Way Galaxy. The series will be written in a minimum of three, languages: English, Japanese, & my very own fantasy language Shklarkan! I’ve also played with the idea of creating my own musical language for the Therundthell that have inhabited the moon for millennia uncounted.. But that remains a bit out of reach at the moment.

It will also come in two flavors! ;)

The original version, ‘Cinnamon’, contains mature content. Rating M18+: Be prepared for steamy scenes & graphic details!

& for those who do not wish to read such things? There’s ‘Vanilla’~ Where sexy things are only hinted at. ^_^


  • Book One - ‘The Kitsutora’ … Where our grand adventure begins!

    • Publisher: Amazon~

      • Kindle e-books::

      • Paperback::

        • Original M18+ Erotica: ‘Cinnamon’ - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09ZCW3JR4

        • Abridged: ‘Vanilla’ - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09ZFH2763

        • Order via Direct Email Request:

          • Receive an autographed copy & a personalized letter!

            • NOTE: This is the same exact product that you would receive through Amazon as I will simply order an Author Copy from them so you don’t have to pay Amazon’s fees. As such, it may take longer for you to receive it. Your understanding in advance is much appreciated! Prices can be converted to your relevant currency. I just put yen because I live in Japan. Thanks for the direct support!

          • Cinnamon: 2000yen + shipping

          • Vanilla: 1750yen + shipping

    • Publisher: Lulu Publishing~

      • Paperback Only::

        • Original M18+ Erotica: ‘Cinnamon’ - Temporarily Unavailable

        • Abridged: ‘Vanilla’ - Temporarily Unavailable

  • Book Two - ‘The Therundthell’ … PUBLISHED!!! Just waiting for them to go live on Amazon~

  • Book Three - ‘The Mouakuryuu’ … Writing of the rough draft has begun! [Publishing planned for after my Memoir is published.]

  • Book Four - ‘Destiny’ … Currently only has a tentative timeline.

  • Book Five - ‘Offspring’ … Also, only has a tentative timeline.


  • 2 planned sequels: one Yaoi in both flavors & one Asexual with an ArroAce lead, with experience drawn from my beloved ArroAce adopted-sibling, will also follow~

  • I hope to add in up to 5 side stories! Maybe even more! If I live long enough~ XD HA!

    • Titles:

      • ‘Theanor & Riri’…

      • ‘The Souls of the High Fells’…

      • ‘In His Own Time: Taki’s Short-Story’…

      • ‘The World of Hinantsuki: An artistic exploration of its fantastical characters, biology, & geology’ with colorful illustrations by me…

      • & ‘To Be a Krakora: The Teachings of Shakraeon’~

Lots to come!!! :D

NOTE:: shipping from Japan is ~3500yen+ depending on weight & box size…

‘Memoirs of a Crazy Dreamer’

My Biomyth~

          This is my memoir of my lifelong search for my one true love, Robert~ It includes all of my trials and the lessons I have learned, along with my journey towards true authenticity and acceptance of who I am within my soul. If you wish to know more about me personally? This is the book for you! I warn you though- It is raw & uncut with absolutely no apologies. Come to know why I’ve got the reputation I’ve got. I’ve fully earned every bit of it.

There’s a reason I’m called, “Crazy Dreamer.”~

Publish Date: circa early 2026