Dream Quest Expansion!
Hello everyone!
Aria here~
I just wished to announce that I’ve officially found the man I’m goin to spend the rest of my life with & have decided to incorporate him in my website as soon as he returns from deployment! His name is Robert Casiano & he is the true love, twin flame, dreamboat I have been searching for all my life! Crazy thing is? He’s the one who insisted on dating me! XD & he is far more wonderful & perfect than any dream I’ve ever had~
Thus, you may begin seeing posts and links from him as he is quite active on social media~ :) He’s even offered to do all our advertising for our future business! Just check out the ‘Goals’ tab for more information!
It’s taken me all my life to finally find him… Countless visions & dreams being my only clues… Clues so vague I often got lead down false trails that ended in heartache! But I’ve finally found him & I’m never going to let him go~ Especially since he not only accepts my more wild side, but actually actively encourages it! He’s set me free from so many of my shackles that I feel like a whole new person! The kind of open & loving person I’ve always longed to be, but held back out of fear of being burned.
I love my Sugarheart more than life itself & can’t wait to make our now unified dreams a reality~