Thank you, everyone, for your patience. I’m afraid I must ask you for a bit more…
I’m currently struggling with burnout and have far too much on my plate. I need to take a break in order to recover my strength, spirit, & energy, but I’m unable to take time off from my day job (which is the most taxing)… Thus, I must set other things aside in order to attend to my health. Self-care is essential for success, especially as a creative.
I’ve also realized that at this pace I may not be able to finish all my stories before I die…. so I’m having to reprioritize which ones I write first. I may not be able to write the in-depth sequels I was originally hoping to. However, I promise that the initial story shall be completed in due time. After that? I plan to focus on getting the more prominent side-stories written next. I’ve thus rearranged titles in my book section.
As I’ve mentioned before, if there is anyone out there who would like to add their own stories into the 4Fold Saga universe? Please just let me know~ I’d be happy to hear what you have in mind. However, I don’t have money to pay ghostwriters, so if you wish to write your own story? I will only be able to provide inspiration & verbal support, as well as my permission to attach your story to my copyrighted universe.
I wish everyone good health & happiness~
-Aria D Gaia