Hello, everyone!

I’ve great news! I’ve got both versions of my first book back up on Amazon! I’ll have them back on Lulu in time~ Thank you so much for your patience with the long delay. Burnout is seriously not easy to deal with nor recover from without a vacation, but I’m getting there and have a vacation scheduled for the end of the month~

In other news?

BOOK 2: ‘The Therundthell’ shall be published very VERY soon! I’ve already completed it & simply need to do one last fast edited, then it’ll be out as well~ In fact? I guarantee it! I reduced my work schedule for next month to avoid endangering my life in this extreme heat and will instead be fully focused on publishing my second book before writing my third!

Book 3: ‘The Mouakuryuu’~

I’ve written the first chapter already and have planned out the whole first half of the book~ I’ve even decided on an ending! However, as I’ve learned with my first two? Stories have a habit of developing lives of their own, so I’m not entirely sure that my plan will be what ends up in the final product. That’s all up to the characters~

Much to look forward to!


-Aria D Gaia